Today Update

Baraha pokhari, Khotang is a destination of special faith

Barahpokhari is a destination of special faith Occupying an area of ​​five kilometres, Barahpokhari is located 16 kilometres south of the district headquarters Diktel. Barahapokhari situated 1700 meters above sea…

किवि फल खानुका अन्य फाईदा यस्ता रहेका छन्ः

किवि फल खानुका अन्य फाईदा यस्ता रहेका छन्ः हाम्रो पृथ्वीमा सजिव प्राणीका अमृत बुटीहरुपनि छन् । त्यही अमृत बुटी मध्य किवि एक अति महत्वपूर्ण फल हो । यो बोटमा लहरामा…

बेला बखतका कुरा- डा. जगमान गुरुङ

बेला बखतका कुरा- डा. जगमान गुरुङ आज २०७७ भदौ १२ गते, शुक्रवार। जेठ, असारमा बाडि आएर खोला बढे पछि आफ्नो अस्तित्त्व जोगाउन माछाहरु ठूलो खोलाबाट ठाडो खोलातिर लाग्दछन्।त्यसकारण जेठको निख्लदोदेखि…

Province no 1 name entitled ‘Kirant’ प्रदेश नो १ को नाम किराँत अधिकारिक र उपयुक्त हो।

Kirant is an ancient people with flourishing traditional and cultural era. Property elevate poverty so it is better to keep name Kirant Province than Koshi and Sagarmatha. Because there are…

राईहरू कहिलेदेखि लिम्बू भए ?

काजीमान कन्दङ्वाकाे याे लेख सान्दर्भिक लागेकाले हामीले यस सार्वजनिक डटकममा जस्ताकाे तस्तै प्रकाशित गरेका छाैं । काठमाडौं र यसको दक्षिण तथा पूर्वमा पर्ने क्षेत्रहरुमा किरातहरु छरिएर बसेको आजसम्म पनि पाइन्छ…

Bhedetar a heart of Eastern Nepal |भेडेटार भेडा राख्ने ठाउँ।

Bhedetar is a small hill station situated in the eastern region of Nepal. This is a border between Dhankuta and Sunsari district.  According to the historic chronicle, there were shed…

I saw the predicament dream आफ्नो मातृभाषा जिब्रोबाट दिनानु दिन चिप्लिन्दै

I saw the predicament dream  My father or my grandfather knew many pure Bantawa words, Bantawa language, culture and tradition but I don’t know that kind of words even I…

Kalinchowk, Dolakha | कलिञ्चोव्क दोलखा भिडिओ सहित

Bhimeshwor, the famous temple is located in Dolakha Bazar of Dolakha district. The main statue of this temple is the god Bhim. Bhimsen or Bhimeshwor or Bhim of Dolakha is noted as one of…

Bhojpur, Nepal | भोजपुर जिल्ला, नेपाल।

Bhojpur district, a part of Koshi Zone, is one of the seventy-five districts of Nepal, a landlocked country in South Asia. The district, with Bhojpur as its district headquarters, covers an area of 1,507 km² and has a population…

Pandhare Bazar | पान्धारे बजार

Pandhare Bazar is one of the famous trade markets lies in the Lekharka VDC of Bhojpur district. It is a place where five natural water taps are there. This market…

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