Pandhare Bazar is one of the famous trade markets lies in the Lekharka VDC of Bhojpur district. It is a place where five natural water taps are there. This market is situated between Temke and Selme peak; also it is the border of Khotang district and Bhojpur. This market opens only twice a month and from this market, Khotang and Bhojpur’s some VDC are benefited by Pandhare Bazar. Some of the benefited VDC from Khotang are Mattim, Ratamchha, Khidima, Kiwa, Chyandada, etc and from Bhojpur Nagi, Annapurna, Chhinamakhu, Cholonti, Khawa, Kot, Gogane, Varnagi, Chhikuwa etc.
People from the above-mentioned periphery go and buy basic needs of their daily life activities, such as clothes, foods, kitchenware, kerosene, domestic animals, and gadgets. They also sell their animals and crops to fulfil their daily hand to mouth. Now a day Pandhare is touched by motor roads from Bhojpur headquarter and Khotang district. This bazaar is a really beautiful place where we can see a huge meadow alongside the peaks and animals are grazing around.

This place is the centre or junction of the Kirant Rai people, so our Kirant leaders’ preamble is Pandhare should be the centre of the Rai’ kingdom.
Kirateshor Stone Garden
After a few seconds of a walk, we can get to Kirateshor stones garden. Before its name was Tarebhir but later its name changed because of its shapes and sound. The reasons behind changing the name are if you banged the middle of the rock then it sounds the same as Dhol and Jhyamta of Kirant Rai. There is a cave under the stones, and they made Agena (Chula) there. In the middle of the big stone, we can see a vivid engraved sketch of Dhanuskada (Bow and Arrow). There is a natural water stone tap also.
By Sujan Rai